Information on the Full version of Foul Play™ v1.0
Game Design - Information on the Full, Retail version of the Game
1) The two designers of this game fondly remember how much they enjoyed multi-player board games when they were young. We particularly enjoyed shouting, laughing and talking to our friends as we played the game. In Foul Play™ - Mystery at Awkward Manor, we have tried to recapture this multi-player interaction, while still providing a challenging and exciting single-player game.
2) The Virtual Travel® environment is composed from over 5,000 individual photos of a 14 room mansion in England, and the game includes 65 animations, over 2,000 sound bites, thousands of possible clue locations in the mansion, and over 4,000 game solutions. Each suspect has a repertoire of almost 1,000 different responses to questioning. Extensive tutorials and on-line help are also available from within the game.
3) This game may be played by 1 - 6 players (one player for each guest). Because there are some simple things to read in multi-player games, we recommend ages 7+, although younger children and less dedicated older children will enjoy wandering around, exploring the mansion, finding clues and guessing the solution. For young children, please note that all parts of the solution may be found directly in the environment, with the exception of the murderer. Some suspects may be eliminated by various clues discovered directly, e.g. the radio clues or the police phone-in clues, leaving only the correct suspect to be guessed for a solution.
4) Detective Notepads (included in the box) are very important for serious game players. With these, you will be much better able to track your clues to solve the mystery. Notepad maps (both blank and with SAMPLE NOTES) are also included on the CD; just double-click on them and print.
5) Game levels 1 - 3 are especially designed for new players. Tutorials, hints and instruction are given throughout game levels 1 - 3, and we recommend that new players always start with one or two games at these levels.
6) Once you have selected your identities, received your opening clues, and started a game, these is an extensive help facility available. Click on the brass "?" button in the main control window to freeze the game and bring up the help screen. This screen gives all the rules and reasoning of the game, as well as hints on how best to solve the mystery before your opponents. We recommend that all players examine the various sections of the help screen.
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